QuestionsFrontendOn this pageFrontend QuestionsDOM1What is DOM?2What is HTML?3What is difference between `span` tag and `div` tag?4What is the purpose of meta tags?5What is the purpose of the `alt` attribute on images?6What ARIA and screenreaders are?7What is an iframe and how it works?8Explain the use of `rel="nofollow"`, `rel="noreferrer"`, `rel="noopener"` attributes?9What is the difference between attributes and properties?10What is Event Propagation?11What is Event Bubbling?12What is Event Capturing?13What does `enctype` attribute mean?14What does async and defer refer in a script tag?CSS1What is CSS?2What are the different ways to apply CSS to an HTML document?3What is the difference between "padding" and "margin" in CSS?4What are the different types of CSS units, and how do they work?5Explain the pros and cons for CSS animations vs JS animations?6What is At-Rule `@`?7Explain the CSS "box model"8How does CSS work under the hood?9When to use css grid and flexbox?10Explain CSS position property?11What is CSS preprocessor?12What are the CSS selectors?13What is progressive rendering?14What is the difference between pseudo-class and pseudo-element?15What is the difference between "resetting" and "normalizing" CSS?16Explain the diff `translate` vs positioning17What is UI/UX?Browser1How does the browser rendering engine work?2What is an Event Loop?3Explain the diff Tasks vs Microtasks4When to use Microtasks?5Ways to improve website performance6Ways to store data in browser?7What is the purpose of cache?8What is desktop first and mobile first design approach?9What is the responsive design, and how do you implement it?10What image replacement techniques you know, and which do you use?11What is SPA and how to make it SEO-friendly?