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How microservices communicate with each other?

Microservices are an architectural style and comprises of small modules/elements which are independent of each other. At times they are interdependent on other microservices or even a database. Breaking down applications into smaller elements brings scalability and efficiency to the structure.

The microservices are distributed and communicate with each other by inter-service communication on network level. Each microservice has its own instance and process. Therefore, services must interact using an inter-service communication protocols like HTTP, gRPC or message brokers AMQP protocol.

Client and services communicate with each other with many different types of communication. Mainly, those types of communications can be classified in two axes.

1. Synchronous Communication:

The Synchronous communication is using HTTP or gRPC protocol for returning sync response. The client sends a request and waits for a response from the service. So that means client code block their thread, until the response reach from the server.

2. Asynchronous Communication:

In Asynchronous communication, the client sends a request but it doesn't wait for a response from the service. The most popular protocol for this Asynchronous communications is AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol). So with using AMQP protocols, the client sends the message with using message broker systems like Kafka and RabbitMQ queue. The message producer usually does not wait for a response. This message consume from the subscriber systems in async way, and no one waiting for response suddenly.