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What utility types exist and their usage

TypeScript provides a set of utility types that can be used to create and manipulate types in a more expressive and flexible way. Some of the utility types provided by TypeScript are:

  • Partial<T>: This type creates a new type that represents the partial version of a type T. The partial version of a type has all the properties of the original type, but they are all optional. This type is useful for creating types that represent a subset of the properties of another type, or for creating types that can be used to partially update the properties of another type.
  • Readonly<T>: This type creates a new type that represents the read-only version of a type T. The read-only version of a type has all the properties of the original type, but they are all read-only. This type is useful for creating types that cannot be modified, and for creating types that can only be used for reading the properties of another type.
  • Pick<T, K>: This type creates a new type that represents a subset of the properties of a type T, selected by a set of keys K. This type is useful for creating types that represent a subset of the properties of another type, based on a specific set of keys.
  • Omit<T, K>: This type creates a new type that represents a subset of the properties of a type T, excluding a set of keys K. This type is useful for creating types that represent a subset of the properties of another type, excluding a specific set of keys.
  • Record<K, T>: This type creates a new type that represents an object with a set of keys K and values of type T. This type is useful for creating types that represent objects with a specific set of keys and values.
  • Exclude<T, U>: This type creates a new type that represents the set of values that are in a type T but not in a type U. This type is useful for creating types that represent the set of values that are in one type but not in another type.
  • Extract<T, U>: This type creates a new type that represents the set of values that are in a type T and also in a type U. This type is useful for creating types that represent the set of values that are in both types.
  • ReturnType<T>: This type creates a new type that represents the return type of a function or a method T. This type is useful for creating types that represent the return type of a function or a method.
  • InstanceType<T>: This type creates a new type that represents the instance type of a class or a constructor function T. This type is useful for creating types that represent the instance type of a class or a constructor function.

These are some of the utility types provided by TypeScript, and they can be used to create and manipulate types in a more expressive and flexible way. It is important to understand the role and the use of these utility types in TypeScript, and to use them appropriately in your code.